Cathedris Themesong


Cyclic nature of creation

We in these parts are quite particular about our "Sun God" -- he's not just an avatar of destruction, as some seem to think. Our stories tells of the incredible power of creation he wields: the power to sculpt mountains, hollow out caves, and carve new valleys.
— Sunlit Mountain Lodge Caretaker
  Wandering within the warped valleys and twisted peaks of Qurain is the God-husk known as Qur. He towers in at 450m tall, massive body covered with strange plating protecting vital areas. Qur's abdomen is wrapped tightly in scale like plating, with bizarre tubing connecting his midsection to three tanks attached to his hip. The tanks and tubing have been empty for thousands of years, the knowledge of what was once within them being lost to time.   Qur's head, skin blasted off in the explosion that killed both he and Avartarian, lazily drifts from side to side as he wanders his loop. Occasionally pausing to ready his massive weapon, the Worldshaper Cleaver, in front of himself -- Qur enters ferocious periods of creation. He follows no pattern as he carves his way through the landscape. Mountains are cut into mind-bending shapes, valleys hollowed out, and complex cave systems are cultivated.  

Cycle of Creation

Known to many as the Sun God, to some the God of Formation, and to others the Light of Inspiration. Before his death, Qur embodied the very definition of creation. Entire landscapes and continents found themselves shaped and reshaped by the mighty god. The area around Qur would endlessly cycle through new creation after new creation.  

Scraps from The Comprilith

  • A faded, headache inducing painting depicting an impossible subterranean landscape. Qur is seem in the foreground, Cleaver in hand.
  • A large, white stone, theorized by some to be one of Qur's lost teeth
  • On cracked piece of slate, a half description eluding to the liquid within Qur's tubing system. "... and it glows with the most mighty lustre, which is representative of the power that the ... posses..."
  • To many of the other gods, the time before The Seven Day War was seen as utopian. Each god ruled over a section of Cathedris, cultivating and caring for their flock of humans. What Qur saw in these times was different however -- he saw things as stagnating, and regarded the humans as being stifled, their potential not fully realized.   There were frequent clashes between Qur and the other gods, due to these differences. These arguments, and sometimes altercations, were well documented events -- many recountings still exist within The Comprilith. One such document tells of the time Avartarian accused Qur of favoring the Humans while stifling the gods; the argument concluded with Avartarian promising that one day, he'd be the one to kill Qur.

    Destruction is the only way forward

    It's been suggested that Qur was actually the one to start the Seven Day War, by assassinating He'an due to differences in philosophy. He'an and Qur were similar in their respect for Humans, but they went about expressing that respect in different ways. While Qur would push the Humans to grow and learn, He'an would love, protect, and as Qur saw it, coddle the Humans.   A popular theory proposes that Qur chose to assassinate He'an, as Qur saw He'an as the worst offender when it came to stifling the growth of Humankind. However, when Qur killed He'an, he realized that the gods were unable to properly die -- instead continuing on in "Husk" form. It's thought that Qur used all of his power to blast He'an into space, where the evidence of his deed would be hidden.
    Did you know that both Apathae and North Apathae used to be one complete continent? Documents in the Comprilith are very clear about this fact. Apparently, at some point during the Seven Day War, a massive blast of energy tore the continent in two. If I were a betting man, and I am, I'd put money on Qur being the culprit. I'm thinking he killed He'an, and blasted them to space to hide the evidence.
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    — Ryl Anskies


    Born on the 1st day of the 19 Days of Creation.

    Kill Count

    Three or more gods killed during The Seven Day War.


    Died on the final day of The Seven Day War.

    Killed by

    Killed himself and Avartarian, the First Knight.

    Present-day Power


    For the most part Qur's movement is entirely unimpeded, as the method of death appeared to cause no damage to his motor functions. When the God-husk is creating or destroying, he moves feverishly and with abandon. All other times, Qur's movement is slow, as if deep in thought.

    Creation and Destruction

    During the day Qur feverishly brandishes his cleaver, creating strange and impossible structures. At night the ring around Qur's head glows intensely, as the God-husk destroys anything within his sight.


    Qur shows no awareness for anything
    around him other than his own
    creations, as he cyclically builds and tears them down.

    The Cyclic Nature of the Sun God

    The Worldshaper Cleaver

    Rarely leaving Qur's hand is the Worldshaper Cleaver. This massive hinged weapon stands in at 3/4 of Qur's height when fully extended, with the blade making up half of that. Most of the time, Qur keeps the Cleaver in its 'shut' form, only extending it at night. Around the hinge is a smaller glowing ring, mirroring the large one encircling Qur's skull. The blade is mostly unblemished, with only a few nicks betraying its age. The metal shines constantly, reflecting all forms of light -- be it natural light from the sun, or the brilliant light emanating from the glowing rings.  

    Maximum Potential

    When Qur was at full power, so too was the Worldshaper Cleaver. Some think that the weapon got its name from the way Qur used it to shape Cathedris into a hospitable planet in the beginning of history, though those claims are unfounded. Records do however show that the Cleaver was able to cut through any material, and reform it into any shape desired. When the hinge on the blade was open and the Cleaver was fully extended, it was able to be slammed down to destroy anything in collided with.  

    Current Power

    The power of the Worldshaper Cleaver appears to have waned while in the hands of Husk-state Qur. Where once entire continents would find themselves reshaped by the blade, instead now its power is focused to smaller land-forms like mountains and valleys.
    No humans live within the borders of Qurain. It's not even a country per se, but an exclusionary zone. The lands within belong to the God-husk Qur, and are exceedingly dangerous to cross. When Qur is creating or destroying, he moves rapidly, covers large areas, and inflicts massive amounts of change.
    — Rillia Border Guard

    Life and Death

    Records regarding the beginning of the gods' civil war are sparse; the carnage came on suddenly, and without warning. However on the 7th and final day of the war, the entire world was watching; many records exist depicting the final explosion that ended both Qur's and Avartarian's lives.   Avartarian and Qur had clashed many times before the war, with many disagreements between the gods. When the fighting began, Avartarian saw it as his chance to take out his competition. As the days passed at the war grew bloodier, Avartarian began thinking he might be able to become the only god left standing. Qur caught wind of this and confronted the aggressive god, which culminated in a massive explosion that ripped the skin from both the gods' heads, killing them both.  


      After his death, Qur in Husk-form slowly made his way back to Apathae -- the now southern continent. The place seemed to draw the broken god back in, and it's here where Qur has remained since. During the day, with the sun's light dancing across his armor and rings, Qur erratically sculpts the land around him. There's no thought behind the god's vacant eye sockets, as mind-bending structures are raised at random.

    Scraps from The Comprilith

  • Found buried at the in a stack of old medical equipment within a stark white room in the Comprilith is a strange, cryptic document apparently authored by Qur. The only 2 words deciphered are "Humans" and "Component".
  • Patrons
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    The golden ring around Qur's head, and the sister ring around his Cleaver, shine brilliantly at night. The surrounding landscape appears almost as daylight under a black sky; with the shadows appearing longer, deeper, and twisted. At night Qur unfolds his Worldshaper Cleaver, and swings it wildly. Mountains are reduced to dust, craters are blasted into the earth, and all that was built during the day is torn down in a frenzy of destruction.


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jacob Billings
    12 Jun, 2020 18:00

    I really like the style of writing you have here. This is yet another great addition to your God-Husk article collection. I'll point out a few bits of oddities among your sentences, however.   --  

    Known to many as the Sun God, to some the God of Formation, and to others the Light of Inspiration.
    — Cycle of Creation
      This sentence has no subject. You could use it as a dependent clause leading into a full independent clause but, alone, it doesn't actually work. You could also just say "He is known as..." to fix the grammar problem.  
    The area around Qur would endlessly cycle through new creation after new creation.
    — Cycles of Creation
      "New creation" suggests adding something new and, from what I picked up through context, you probably meant "recreation" as Qur seems to be recreating the world around them rather than creating new worlds around them.  
    What Qur saw in these times was different however -- he saw things as stagnating, and regarded the humans as being stifled, their potential not fully realized.
    — Cycle of Creation
      "However" is a conjunctive adverb and, therefore, should have a comma before and after it wherever applicable. I would also think that your dash could be replaced by a colon based on the suggestion of idea.  
    One such document tells of the time Avartarian accused Qur of favoring the Humans while stifling the gods; the argument concluded with Avartarian promising that one day, he'd be the one to kill Qur.
    — Cycle of Creation
      Not a grammar note, but I really liked this quote since it's rather amusing with the knowledge that Qur would kill Avartarian before killing himself.  
    While Qur would push the Humans to grow and learn, He'an would love, protect, and as Qur saw it, coddle the Humans.
    — Destruction is the only way forward
      "as Qur saw it" is an appositive meaning it should be wrapped in commas: "love, protect, and, as Qur saw it, coddle the Humans."  
    instead now its power is focused to smaller land-forms like mountains and valleys.
    — Current Power
      Again, not a grammar thing but I find it amusing that "mountains and valleys" are small. It's a great addition to the article, though   Overall, a really great article. It's well written and designed, a staple of your world, and has a lot of interesting content. One of my favorites, for sure.

    grace Samantha
    11 May, 2022 18:55

    hi i just liked im new at this what do i do <3

    grace Samantha
    11 May, 2022 18:58

    it meat be to lit cuz yall made this post 2020 and im texting 2022 i You know what I might even be too late So yeah I'm like so confused I don't know what to do If you guys still have this website could you guys help me Please Please Thanks if you guys do

    12 Jun, 2020 18:02

    Great Article! Do you ever intend to reveal the answers to a lot of the mysteries you have set up (who killed He'an, why Miyu killed Dimiti, etc) or are you planning to leave it ambiguous?

    19 Jun, 2020 17:59

    Thank you so much! :D   I do want to reveal them I think! I'm not sure how to go about it though. I like writing the world as the world see's its self, if that makes sense. It's canonical that the people of Cathedris don't know the answer to those questions.   I'm thinking maybe eventually, I'll write some *new* articles -- maybe some found information within the Comprilith, or some discovery, that solves the mystery and is canon to the world.   Thanks for reading! :)

    21 Jun, 2020 19:19

    Looking at this world for the first time and I absolutely adore how the hand wraps around the article frame / the arm laying outside the header.

    21 Jun, 2020 19:53

    Thank you so much! :D I wanna keep doing that sort of thing on as many article types as I can for Cathedris :)

    29 Jun, 2022 12:22

    I'm really loving this world you've created. The standard fantasy setting starts with a golden age of mankind and gods living in harmony until mankind becomes unworthy and falls from grace. Here's a world where man and god live together until gods fall from grace and became unworthy of humanity. FANTASTIC stuff, keep it up. I want to see more.

    29 Jun, 2022 19:48

    Oh wow, thank you so much! This absolutely makes my day to hear, these kinds of comments are what give me energy to create in the first place :)   I'm super excited to keep creating more! I hope you continue to enjoy it, and thanks again so much for a lovely comment!

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