Cathedris Themesong

The Coastal City-state of Russin, Russin

[Roo-sin, Roo-sin]

This city has existed in this location for thousands of years -- it was here even before the Gods died. It's full of history -- you can go from having a drink in a brand new coffee shop, to walking through ancient ruins by stepping through the back door. We are the original Russin!
— Conversation with a Tourist
The city of Russin shares it's name with both the country, and continent it resides on. It's nestled within a wide and relatively flat stretch of land filling nearly 600 square kilometers, bordered on two sides by tall craggy mountains, with shallow oceans surrounding the rest. Its cityscape is broken up by winding rivers that twist their way through the flat lands, as various ruins from the city's long history are strewn about populated areas. Russin has a strong connection with Sharenskus, and the city of Russin boasts the strongest connection, as it's the death place of the massive God-husk.   Four distinct styles of architecture are found within the City's limits, thanks to its long and varied history. In the center of the city is Old Russin, known colloquially as Old Town. Old Town is the origin of the city, containing ruins and buildings that have been there since over 4,000 years ago. Old Town was nearly destroyed during The Seven Day War, when Avartarian brutally murdered Sharenskus within the center of the city. Surviving denizens of Russin fled from the center, forming 2 smaller cities apart from each other. Eventually, southern invaders settling within the ruins of Old Town formed a third city. Over time these cities grew, until all were joined together as one.        

The Original Russin

Ancient Russin buildings were stout, square buildings made of a brownish stone quarried from nearby mountains. Over hundreds of years the city grew, with more of the brown stone buildings filling the space between the Sharen and Rivus rivers. These buildings housed both devout worshipers of Sharenskus, and fierce warriors -- frequent raids from the south ensured Russin was always ready to defend its self.   The city slowly subdivided its citizens, based on geography, religion, and defensive strategy. Particularly devout worshipers of Sharenskus gradually migrated west, to be closer to the water in which the god stood. The inlet gained the name "Holy Inlet", and the people began to build temples to Sharenskus along its shores. The persistent attacks from the south east prompted the construction of walls and barracks to the city's south-eastern edge. As time passed, early Russin expanded -- crossing the two rivers that had previously contained it.  

The Divide of Early Russin

Russin lost its protective deity when the Godly Civil War occurred. A fierce battle broke out at the meeting of Sharen River and Rivus River between Sharenskus and Avartarian. Most of the city was destroyed, with only the most sturdy of stone buildings remaining. The citizens fled from the core of the city, relocating east and west. When the dust settled after the war, Russin was no more -- in its place, two smaller cities kept apart by rivers remained.  

The Merchant Worshipers

Western Russin wasn't just godly folk, y'know. Most merchants in the early city were found there as well. So when the city split, the merchants and worshipers settled the coast together.
here for bonus info
— Historian

Western Russin favored a loose planning style -- new buildings were constructed on an "as needed' basis, with regards to both spacing and size. Western Russin slowly expanded along the coast, and south along Sharen River. Temples were rebuilt along the shores, but the people found Sharenskus unable to communicate in his God-husk state. The temples were then used to observe the God-husk, as he wandered the shallow oceans.

The Rigid Military

Forced to flee east from the carnage of two gods fighting, the core force of Russins warriors crossed the Rivus River, settling in a well protected flat expanse of land. Few walls managed to remain standing between old Russin and the warriors new home, with the land left behind being declared cursed ground. Many warriors vowed never to return to the destroyed city, instead focusing on building a new safer area to settle.
  The new village, made up almost entirely of warriors, soon adopted a rigid militaristic city planning style. Tight, utilitarian blocks of buildings were developed, with many walls along the river banks to turn their area into a defensive stronghold. Keeping the Rivus River to their south and west, they expanded north, building row upon row of dense housing, barracks, and wide open training grounds. Gradually East Russin grew all the way to the banks of the North River.

City Name

Alternative Name(s)
The City State of Northern Russin
Location under


First nomads settle in area eventually known as Russin

Villagers repel attack from neighbouring community; some wood buildings are lost

City is named Russin; Expansion across rivers begins

Avartarian kills Sharenskus, destroying most of Russin in the process

Merchants and Holyfolk flee west, and the city's warriors flee east. Both settle in locations to form their own new villages.

Raiders from the south find old Russin to be ruined and abandoned, and move in, forming their own new village.

Return of the Invaders

Many years after the Godly Civil War, exploratory raiding parties from the south once again made their way to Russin. Hoping to find a broken civilization to easily conquer, instead the raiders found nothing but ruins, bordered by wide rivers with large walls on the opposite banks. These new people settled among the ruins, ignoring the obvious signs of life to both the east and west of them. They brought with them their style of large, open plots of land, and circular communal buildings used for ceremonies and gatherings.   The natural borders of the Sharen and Rivus rivers were the basis of an uneasy armistice built between the invaders new village and both East and West Russin. Over time the armistice grew into a truce, then slowly into a partnership, as all three villages grew and expanded into sizeable cities. Eventually the three were merged into one, once again becoming the heart of the country; Russin.  

Blueprints to the City State of Northern Russin

Blueprints for the Coastal City-State of Russin

The Heart of Russin

Once the three sub-cities formed together as one, an explosive period of growth occurred, fueled largely in part to the wealth and power wielded by the merchants of eastern Russin. They funded the construction of hundreds of new dwelling units, cultural centers, stadiums, and temples. Their control over the growth of Russin allowed them to shape and slowly take control of the massive city. In modern times, their influence can be seen in the many temples spread throughout the cities limits.    


Wealth and power funneled steadily eastward, because of the control the merchants had. Lavish dwellings were constructed along the slopes of Mount Yoo, overlooking the sprawling city below.
The multitudes of islands within God's bay saw parks and marinas built upon them, as well as towers and shopping districts.   Soon every square kilometer of western Russin was filled, prompting eager merchants to seek elsewhere to grow their businesses and their families. Economic hotspots formed and solidified on the northern shores of God's Bay, within the ruins of Old Town, and to the far north within Harbour District.

My family has owned this plot of land for over 600 years! Who are you to come here and tell me I can't build my tower this tall?! I need a good view of the bay!
— Argument with City Planners


As both east and west Russin grew in size, so too did they grow in population. Their need for food prompted the independent creation of large swathes of farmland, which in the future would be used to feed the entire city of Russin.
Those southerners never really got into sustainable farming. That's why we don't have any farms down around New Town. Pretty sure their ancestors were hunter gatherer types, and ended up hunting most of the local fauna to extinction. Now we gotta feed em, go figure.
— Complaint heard in a Graceville Cafe


Cathedris underwent a technological revolution in the 2850's, thanks to the discovery of Simulrendology. With it came Motives -- large, single-rail bound vehicles that very quickly became common place across the world, finding use in transporting both goods and passengers. Russin soon built a massive rail yard to the north to accommodate the new technology, adopting it faster than the rest of the country.

Famous Landmarks

Russin boasts a history over 3,000 years long, and has its fair share of famous landmarks. These sites draw large crowds of tourists in; from fellow country-folk wishing to make a pilgrimage to Sharenskus's death place, to curious visitors wishing to explore the heartland of the strong nation of Russin.  

Scar Park

Arguably the most famous location in the entire city of Russin. Scar park is known as the death place of Sharenskus; 3,000 years later, it still shows signs of the great battle between Sharenskus and Avartarian. The key defining feature of the landscape is the massive slice through the land -- nearly 200 meters long, 100m at its widest part, and extending 100m deep into the ground. This feature is known as the Scar, and is thought to have been left by Meyanten, the giant katana wielded by Sharenskus.  

Oceanside Temple of God

At the far end of the Sea Wall lays the largest building found in all of Russin -- a massive temple dedicated to the observance of Sharenskus. Getting to the temple is a pilgrimage, as one must walk over 5 kilometers along the Sea Wall to reach the Temple.  

Edict of the Fallen Soldier

This enormous stone tablet is ancient, having been built a short time after the Godly Civil War. Time has erased nearly all scripture once chiselled into the giant stone surface. Smaller stone tablets around it still have some of their wording on them, outlining the steps a warrior must take to uphold honor and civility, and build strength.

I remember the first time I saw the edict. Fell to my knees, I did. Filled me with such determination to do good by my country - determination that is still aflame inside me to this day. I'll defend Russin to my dying breath.
— General Oklander, Russin Forces

The Dark Underside of Russin

Russin has grown, expanded, and renovated its self within the same space for over 3,000 years. This has resulted in an exceedingly complex system of ruins, rebuilds, and refuges within the city limits, allowing for a myriad of different niches to grow.        


A defining feature of Russin is its nearly endless labyrinth of catacombs and tunnels beneath the city. The underground complex has been used for storage, for secrets, for rituals and more. These days the catacombs are widely used as a means of travel -- so much so that city planners have begun constructing Motive lines underground as a system of public transport.

Black Market

Always moving, never in the same location, the Black Market of Russin is as famous as "myths" can get. Those "in the know" can always find it, hidden in a new location within the Catacombs every few days. All manner of trade occurs here; from stolen items and outlawed contraband, all the way to dangerous materials, Rendling flesh, or even Catalurgic goods.


Hidden Shores

What started as a well intentioned idea to create more affordable housing quickly became an unmanageable concentration of the less fortunate. The floating homes of Hidden Shores were first built to create easily built and moveable abodes for the homeless across Russin -- but a lack of structure and relative lawlessness of the region meant soon the area was out of control.


Catalurgic Prowess

Powerful blood, Ichor, still flows through the husks of the dead gods that still wander Cathedris -- and Catalurgists make use of it to weave powerful magic.   Catalurgy requires a multitude of facilities in order to exist, all of which can be found hidden in within the maze of Russin's streets. Surgical labs to create Catalurgists, and the institutions to train them, are scattered throughout the city's limits, often disguised to remain inconspicuous.   Other sites, like storage silos to store tanks of godly Ichor, are hidden in more secretive locations. Research labs intended to further Catalurgic progression are kept similarly safe -- the labs and silos are often kept together, hidden in mostly sealed chambers within Russin's catacombs.  
Hey, listen, don't go down the westward tunnel near the Celadeen junction. Last night Erion went down there, and she...   She never came back.
— Word of warning

Cover image: by Scott Webb


Author's Notes

  Mp landform + rivers generated through the use of, traced, and then hand-drawn.   This map and article took like... a hundred hours to create, and I'm very happy with the result! If you took the time to read down to here, or if you played around and explored the map, you have my heartfelt thanks!   I'd love to know what you thought of the article, or the map! Did anything particular stand out that you liked? Anything disliked? Every comment left makes my day :)

Please Login in order to comment!
31 Mar, 2020 11:43

Wow! The article is very pretty over all. The map is super cool, I love the use of layers and how hand-drawn it looks like, especially the optional layers. I love when maps look like they were actually made by someone, and not just for world building. I also love using the sidebar for a timeline! The quotes are great too.

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 here!
31 Mar, 2020 17:01

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment! I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)

Elias Redclaw
4 Apr, 2020 12:51

Man, this article was a blast to read! It’s so pretty and amazing! Oh and did I mention that the map was literally eye candy for me? I really love maps and yours really stood out as a gem! Oh and I also love how old school it looks instead of my horribly digital ones xD   I have to say that the history part of the article was my most favourite one. It’s beautiful to read about the history of the various groups of the cities and how the invaders even became friends with the locals! If only the real world were like that rn.   Other than that, I just equally love every part of this article because it just screams EPIC! I can however nominate the landmarks as a better part of the article since I’d love to visit them! :D   All in all, this is indeed a wonderful article! I couldn’t leave a more detailed comment due to time constraints so sorry for the bland feedback but I hope you found some parts of it useful! Congrats storm and keep up the great work! :)

6 Apr, 2020 17:30

Thanks for the super kind words, Elias! I'm super happy you liked it, especially the map and landmarks. Those are my favourite things too haha!

Etalia Cutlow
7 Apr, 2020 14:14

Omg this article is just so AMAZING! Seriously everything is so good, the timeline, the layout, the actual content, THE MAP! I love that you went with a blue print layout for the map, it's really original and looks super neat. Great work with this one!   P.S. Russin means raisins in Swedish :D

7 Apr, 2020 17:21

Ah, the delicious city of Raisins, Raisins! I didn't know that at all, that's funny hahaha. Thanks for sharing that fact!   And thank you as well for the comment and praise! I really appreciate it :D

14 May, 2020 06:01

This article looks incredible! It reminds me of a professional article you'd find for a video game (like on a Fandom wiki or such). I especially love the interaction of the blueprint map. It could be dropped into a videogame and it would fit.   My only question is: why are the fonts below the blueprint map different from the ones above? For example, the sidebars are in serif font while the other paragraphs in the body of the article are a sans serif font. Is that just because the others are formatted as a sidebar? The headings also appear different, but maybe that's the different levels of subheadings with different fonts?   Also, did you use any custom CSS making this? I can tell it overall it must have taken forever (like you mentioned in the notes), but it definitely seems worth it for how detailed it is!

14 May, 2020 16:00

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the article :)   I have my sidebar CSS using a different font from the main body text! I think that's all it is, at least. The sidebar on the upper portion uses the same font (aside from the timeline portion). The headings should be the same across the article per heading type -- I'm using H1/H2/H3 in this article. I didn't use any H2 (the centered headings) on the lower section for some reason that I can no longer remember haha.   Some of this definitely is custom CSS! This whole world is on my own CSS theme, but in particular in this article, I used some new custom containers (for the timeline to get it to fit on the sidebar), some more containers + bootstrap columns (for the lower 2 sidebar), and a bit of background changing (to get the folded corners on the map). There might've been more changes, but I can't remember them at the moment! haha.

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