Cathedris Themesong

That One Time Qur Flattened Half of Apathae

The longest night brought about incredible destruction.

Our people tell stories about the plains across Qurain and Moonfal, about how they are fairly recent creations. They say the area was made roughly 1,000 years ago, when every mountain was crushed into gravel, every feature destroyed. That was when Qur flattened nearly half of Apathae, during the Longest Night.   Qur goes through daily cycles -- he creates and reshapes during the day, and then when it becomes night he glows brightly as he destroys and flattens all around him. Roughly a 1,000 years ago Cathedris experienced the perfect celestial event to set Qur into the longest destruction period he's ever gone through, known now as the Longest Night.   It was during the winter months in Apathae, when the nights were already longer than usual, when a perfect solar eclipse occurred. As the sun began to rise over the horizon, so too did He'an, perfectly matching the ascent of the sun and extending the night even further. Through an insane twist of fate, He'an's orbit perfectly matched that of the rising sun, keeping Qur's part of Apathae in darkness for the entire day.   That long, extended night set Qur into a rampage of destruction like none have ever seen, and hope to never see again.
— A story told by the Rillian people

Disaster felt World-wide

Flooding of Caed's Island

During his rampage, Qur ended up smashing the entire coastal mountain range of north-eastern Qurain into the ocean -- creating a massive wave, and even raising ocean levels by a few centimeters. Directly in the path of the wave was Caed's Island, where the lone God-husk Old King Caed rests. While Caed's broken throne had enough elevation to escape the wave, most of the rest of his island was drowned in a massive rush of water.  

Landslides in Ezlya

The tremors from Qur's Worldshaper Cleaver striking the ground with unimaginable force were felt worldwide. The continent of Apathae was most impacted by it, but the vibrations dealt significant damage to the island nation of Ezlya as well, in the form of massive landslides.  

Suffocation of North Apathae

The destruction wrought by Qur created a massive, continent covering, ash and dust cloud that drifted north towards Apathae's sister continent of North Apathae. Here the cloud remained, slowed by low winds and tall mountains, blocking out sunlight and drastically reducing air quality.


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Master Brinsmead
Caitlin Phillips
11 Jul, 2020 20:16

This sounds absolutely terrifying. The details regarding the impact of his rampage are so wonderfully thought out. No wonder people still remember - and dread - Qur's destruction. As always, the artwork is simply perfect.

Cait x
12 Jul, 2020 01:45

Thanks Brinsmead! Really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment :D

12 Jul, 2020 08:23

It was an accident I swear   Superb work as always, Stormbril - and that title is really how you get someone's attention :D   That dust-storm in particular sounds very scary - just the prolonged suffocation of the whole place. Very well done <3

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
13 Jul, 2020 01:11

It's okay, just needed that space to work with a clean canvas and build something new! ;D   Thank you so much Q! :) Thanks for reading and commenting, and I'm glad you liked it! Some day I think I'd like to come back to this article and add further details of just how wide-spread this destruction was!

13 Jul, 2020 08:13

Qur was just, you know, going through some things.   Scary how far-reaching the consequences were, like the dust storm and the drowing of Caed's island.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
14 Jul, 2020 16:03

Yeah! It was dark for waaaaay too long, and it stressed him out :(   I'd honestly like to put more information regarding that! It's interesting how mega catastrophes can have effects felt all around the globe. I think it'd be interesting to include some benefits, too -- like maybe how the ash cloud dispersed and left a large amount of nutrients and minerals, kicking off a huge growth spurt of the local flora.

14 Jul, 2020 20:19

Yeah, definitely include some benefits. That would be really interesting! :)   Poor Qur :( /gentle hugs

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
26 Dec, 2022 22:25

My first thought was that there should be a godship book titled, "The Second-Longest Night."   I do love this bit of lore though, it's such a cool (albeit harrowing) idea.

11 Jan, 2023 00:45

Omg, yes, that's a great title hahaha. That has to be a thing now :D   And thank you so much!

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