Complete RPG Character Creator
Become your Character.
Journal your Adventures.
Keep track of Every Detail!


Create characters for D&D, Pathfinder & More!

Creator of Characters, Wearer of a Hundred Faces, Hero of a Thousand Epics.
Welcome! We, the Anvil of Worlds, salute you!

We'll provide you with the tools you'll need to bring your Character to life, keep track of everything
from spell slots to game notes and keep the fun with your party going after every session!

World Anvil’s character creation tools support
all D&D editions, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Star Wars, FATE, FATE Accelerated, Savage Worlds, Numenera, Cypher System,
The Strange, Star Trek Adventures, Call of Cthulhu and so much more!

Build your character with the right character sheet, fill out your backstory
and keep a log of all the important in-game information.

Our character building tools give you everything you need to create & play

World Anvil is a complete toolset for players and GMs alike. We’ve got everything you need to
create and build out a character in your campaigns, at the same time as giving your GM tools
to build out your wider world and campaign. Dive in, start creating and explore
the mysterious worlds that await...

Manage your RPG Character Sheet

A complete, interactive character sheet for yoru RPG? Why, yes - of course!

Keep track of HP and spell slots with the quick resources tracker - perfect for fast adjustments during session.

Check out the supported systems below (including DnD5e, Pathfinder, Starfinder and Starwars), add your own favourite system, or even create your own homebrew character sheet!

Create the Profile of your Original Character

Create a living, breathing character with our in-depth character backgrounds! You can define all aspects of their personality and history, their quirks and habits and any else you could want!

Update your stream with quotations, achievements (like level-ups, epic victories and touching moments), gifs and pictures and leave comments on your party's posts about what's happening!

Keep everything totally private or show off your character to your friends and fans - perfect for streamers and podcasters.

Make Notes and Write the Journal of your Adventures

During each session, make notes in the scrap book so you can keep track of names, encounters and important plot points.

Then share your own side of the story by writing journals about your sessions! Narrate the story in your own character's voice - their opinions and secrets, their victories and defeats. You can even include notes that only your GM can read!

Get creative by embedding images and sound tracks to enhance the mood. Or embed videos of your liveplay sessions so people can catch up on your adventures whilst they read about them!

45+ supported systems

or Become a Grandmaster and create your own!
More systems are added weekly!


Handle your Equipment & Special Items

Can you handle your equipment? Log it into the equipment section of your character sheet and never forget what options you have to hand! You can even track party loot, so nothing goes "missing" - yeah, I'm looking at you, Rogue...

Spellbook, Vehicles & Retinue

Quick - what spells do you have left?!

Never lose track of your spells and spell slots again with the character spell book! Embedding spells there is as easy as writing the block number. Keep track of known and prepared spells, and roll dice right from the sheet!

The same is true of Vehicles and Retinue - think followers, mounts, soldiers, cohort and your own private mooks!

"Trust me, this platform was built by worldbuilders for worldbuilders. If you need it, World Anvil has it."
- GinnyDi

Immerse yourself in the World of your Gamemaster

Exploring a whole new world through someone else's eyes - it's one of the joys of character creation! Explore your Game Master's world through interactive maps, lore, timelines and more. Your Game Master can even give you exclusive access to information relevant to your expertise, class or background for a more immersive experience!

Then help out your Game Master by writing articles which contribute to the lore of your world - and create something extraordinary together!

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