
All members of the World Anvil community are expected to be familiar with these rules of etiquette and they will be enforced evenly and without bias in every situation which is brought to the attention of the administration regardless of the membership status of the user in question.

The well being of our members is paramount to the operation of this community. In order to ensure that, the World Anvil team holds the right to expunge from its database any content that after investigation was found in any way to be contrary to the etiquette guidelines without any further notice.

Anti Social Behaviour, Racism, Bigotry - Zero Tolerance

The following apply only to user comments, user avatars, user bios and cover images and it will be referred to as "user profile content" in the rest of this section.

This community operates under a zero-tolerance policy for all user profile content on the matters of racism and bigotry against any and all minorities. In simpler words, if a user profile content is found to be racist or promote ideals outside inclusivity and equality, the World Anvil Team withholds the right to remove any or all their content from the website without warning.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This does NOT include worldbuilding content. Writing about matters as the ones outlined above is allowed but caution and sensitivity on the way they are approached is advised. Any report on content will be evaluated carefully and we will come in personal contact with both parties to resolve any issues that might arise.

World Anvil is an international creative community which holds support, kindness and helping others as its core tenets. Any antisocial behavior (including but not limited to insults, personal attacks, doxing or disrespectful language) against members of this community, whether in user profile content, articles, comments, private messages or any other form, is unacceptable.

World Anvil holds the right to block, ban or completely remove accounts of members found to participate in any of the above behaviours, without prior notice.

Any issues related to the above should be reported directly and exclusively using the report button you'll find at the bottom of every article.

Mature Content


World Anvil allows the publication of adult content, as long as this content is clearly indicated using the features provided by the website, including the NSFW/18+ indicator and any other additional indicators or features which may be added in the future for this use.
World Anvil DOES NOT allow the publication or distribution of pornographic material.

To clarify, we define pornography specifically as photos or videos depicting one (or more) real human adults engaging in sexual activities. This includes genital stimulation or insertion of any kind. If your published content contains images or video (embedded, links or otherwise) of real human adults engaging in sexual activities, then it cannot be published on World Anvil.
Written content, animations, illustrations, audiobooks and audio content do not count as pornography. Erotica, smut and other forms of adult content are permitted to be published on World Anvil, provided they comply with all other terms described here.

Content of any format, including those listed above, that features characters who are minors, are depicted as minors, or are suggested to be minors in any sexual or sensual context is strictly prohibited and cannot be published on World Anvil under any circumstances.

Inflammatory / Real World Politics & Beliefs Content

Content that is deliberately inflammatory and describes real world history or current politics or beliefs is considered sensitive content. Imaginary world politics do not fall under this category, unless they are used to hide real world inflammatory political opinions.

Inflammatory content found published on World Anvil, can be put under review and the administrators reserve the right to make it inaccessible on the platform. If deemed sensitive, the author has the right to appeal the decision and to have access to the content.

Guidelines for Worldbuilders

Prohibited Commentary

Prohibited commentary is typically considered to be inherently disrespectful, aggressive, or otherwise abusive.

We must insist that you refrain from comments which are racist, bigoted, or which otherwise offensively target a philosophy or religion. In addition we ask that our members avoid making offensive remarks based on gender or sexual preference and that you do not make any remark, comment or critique which is intended to be a direct insult to an individual, group, or genre of artwork. Hate propaganda is met with zero tolerance. Comments which are overly aggressive, personally insulting or needlessly abusive are also prohibited.

If you feel that you have been the target of harassment, personal insults or other severe behavior, please notify the staff using the report button at the bottom of every article. Note that, while the Team will review all reports, we will act at our discretion; minor situations may be dealt with using tools made available to all registered members.

Discouraged Commentary

Discouraged commentary is typically considered to have the potential to escalate into an aggressive or abusive situation.

While not strictly prohibited we must insist that all personal arguments, disagreements, and other volatile "personal" issues within be confined to private communications such as Notes, emails, or Instant Messaging programs. Likewise we discourage public accusations and other similar situations; please bring all issues of this nature to the attention of the staff by notifying the official reporting form.

Exploitive Commentary

Exploitive commentary is typically considered to be disruptive due to unusual or unique factors.

Do not 'spam' (send large numbers of identical notes or comments). Spamming is obnoxious and is typically used for self-promotion, or other unwanted advertising.

Do not 'flood' (place large numbers of comments rapidly on a single page or craft a single comment which consumes a large amount of page space) the forums, notes system, userpages or other areas of the site. Flooding usually disrupts page loading times and serves no useful purpose.

Respect Your Fellow Artists

As a vibrant and growing art community World Anvil welcomes all kinds of original artworks; but we MUST insist that the artwork which you submit be your own original works, or work which you have permission to use. We ask that you credit all of your art, even if it's your original work. For challenges and competitions, uncredited art will be disqualified.

Your works must be your own original creations and you may only use resources which are considered legitimate and legal. Submissions which make use of works without proper permission or licensing by the original author will be removed when we receive a takedown request. This policy applies to all work submissions, regardless of format.

If you have reason to believe that a World Anvil submission violates this policy you should use the official report button link which is available on every article page.


This section applies only to avatars which you personally use for your account; avatars submitted into a World Anvil Gallery or to your Scrapbook must still conform to all official policies without exception but are not subjected to the restrictions below.

Avatars used to represent your account on site are granted more leniency than standard site submissions. You may freely use material and resources with only the restrictions outlined as follows;

  • Your avatar should not contain nudity of any sort.
  • You may not use avatars specifically created by other users without their explicit permission.
  • If your avatar contains a portion of a work made by another artist it will be removed by staff at the request of the original artist.
  • In all other respects your avatar must conform to the guidelines set above in regards to hate propaganda.

Unsolicited Advertising

Whilst we are happy to see our community advertising their personal endeavours and those of projects that they are involved in, this must be done in a way that is respectful to the community. We discourage non commercial monetary or physical item requests (begging) or any predatory behaviour aiming to use psychological force to attain funds or goods from other members of the community. In addition, any advertising directly or indirectly related to tools with similar purview to World Anvil is strongly discouraged and will be considered a breach of etiquette.

Appeals and Inquiries

Appeals, inquiries, or questions concerning work removals, violation notices, account suspensions, or other administrative actions should be addressed to [email protected]