
The Parisan are a shining example of tradition and solidarity in a universe of constant change and adaptation. These Sazashi hold firm to the idea that a solid defense can trump any offense.   They are honor-bound to their heritage, knightly in appearance and in ideology.   The Parisan have maintained many traditions since the first Parisan settled Valdutan; shield-based martial arts, strong emphasis on family, and the constant desire to defend what they love. They often have a reputation of being fantastic warriors and staunch traditionalists.   Parisan are often described as being honorable, gallant, gracious, protective, conservative, and stubborn.



Nothing is more inspiring in battle than a Parisan stepping between you and the danger. You feel invincible. There is a presence of strength; that nothing could ever knock them down.   I can only imagine how the enemy feels.
The Parisan were designed by the Verin to serve as honor guard. They draw their appearance more from Faeo than the rest of the Sazashi, featuring a shortened muzzle, more expressive features, and long flowing manes. These manes wrap around the forehead, providing the Parisan with expressive brows.   Their face features fine and short fur and eyes ranging from wheat-gold to ocean blue. Their ears are held at a low angle more like the Verin, but still have the length and ability to swivel like other Sazashi.   A Parisan's coat is often thick but short, letting them survive in a mid-range of temperatures, the colors range from golden to orange. Many families of Parisan have a hereditary darker fractal pattern. Some Parisan choose to dye these patterns as a symbol of genetic pride.   They have a naturally powerful musculature and barrel chests, combined with their average height of 7 feet, it is physical proof to the vitality naturally born in a Parisan.  

Racial Abilities

Like all Sazashi Parisan have been gifted claws and fangs from their Sazakraht heritage. A Parisan's claws are rounded objects that taper down to a broad tip, the broad edge of the claws naturally grows sharp and very resilient. They were designed primarily for show and grace, and Parisan lack the musculature to retract their claws.   The fangs of a Parisan are small enough to where they do not show nor do they imprint when a Parisan closes its jaw.
Trait : Sazashi

 Parisan sport fangs and tusks small enough to hide behind their lips.   Parisan claws are akin to hardened nails and they have no ability to retract them.

  A Parisan's natural abilities are so intertwined with their culture than the lines are often blurry. They have a natural ability to take on apprentices, and defend against all threats tangible.  

 Parisan spread their traditions and beliefs where they can. In order to do this, they often will take proteges to teach their skills and values. The Parisan takes deep satisfaction when a protege successfully utilizes their training.


 Parisan are born defenders. Their responsive musculature and dense bone structure work together when a Parisan enters adrenaline. If they take damage while in this state, it mentally and physically affects them less.

Brief History

Throughout history, the Parisan have been accused by some as being old-fashioned and outdated, those that do have been pointed to the success of their homeland on Jhoutai They have always, and will always, control Valdutan. It is the land they claimed after the fall of the Verin Empire, and it is the land they swear to hold until the stars burn out from the heavens. It spans from cold pines to warm plains, from the west edge of Aempis to the east edge of Kajh-Tai.   Despite their strength and capability for combat, throughout history they maintain a steady neutrality with the worlds affairs. While they will chip in volunteer units and assist during global crisis, the Parisan are hesitant to enter offensive conflicts if there is nothing for them to defend.  

Common Culture

The Parisan's culture is rooted in the traditions they have held onto since they gained their independence from the Verin. Family is paramount to the Parisan, and most times the roles in society are determined by the family a Parisan is born into. If you are born a Helmshigh, then you are most likely to be an honor guard or a brew master for example.   It is common for Parisan to spread their traditions throughout the universe. Many wandering Parisan will mention their homes, taking comfort in their backstories and savoring the stories others tell.


I must defend all which I value.
— Parisan Akjhe
The staple of Parisan drive is their Akjhe. This underpins all other actions, driving them to adopt values and strong stances towards those values. At times they can seem to care more about the sanctity of those values than the reasoning of them, which can lead to confrontation. By the same token, they will stand by those they deem honorable by the standards for their value.  


Parisan have a tradition of leaving their family to embark on long pilgrimages around Ethnis. These Pilgrimages are designed as a way for the Parisan to learn from the world and to absorb the learning into their own culture.


Parisan enjoy sharing their traditions and converting others to them. This to them counts as defending their traditions; as a tradition is only as strong as those that practice it.

Ethnis Lite!

This Sophont is playable in Ethnis Lite!

Sazashi Parisan Kona Helmshigh by Antti Hakosaari
Common Banners
ValuSelu Pact
Federation of Free Planets
Uncommon Banners
House of Sorrows
Church of The Somnolent
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Ethnicities


Common Parisan upbringings
Home of Honor
You are a Parisan proud of your upbringing, and your military prowess is something you always seek to improve. You spend your time working to hone your abilities and defend your home and its ways where ever it may be threatened.  
You are a Parisan on the move. While you may love where you come from, you are seeking to find your own adventures and traditions or spread the ones you know. Those you find on your adventures are new candidates to teach or new lessons to learn.  
You find the thought of following the traditions forced upon you appalling. You do not agree with who you were born to be and so you wander attempting to find a new purpose in life. You still gain satisfaction from defending others but you do not yet have an ideal to call your own.

In Game

Playing a Parisan

Playing a Parisan entails playing the tank of the group, a normally friendly if not stubborn tank. Be prepared to generate stories about where you came from, and regale your party members with them.  


  Parisan NPCs are often quite happy to share their opinion on the latest hot topics, cluing in the party to local rumors and opinion     They are a people who value law and order, and so bring it with them where ever they live.     Kind-hearted Parisan are quick to help those in need by providing room, board, and other aid. The party would do well not to abuse these gifts, as the hand which offers them often carries a terrible strength.     A Parisan seeks to bring harmony and health to a party they have chosen to join. Who doesn't love a tank?

Cover image: Antti Hakosaari by Antti Hakosaari
This article has no secrets.


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16 May, 2019 17:08

I'm liking this article because of the art.

Check out my worldbuilding in the Ethnis Universe!
16 May, 2019 18:45

I will gladly devour more content like this. Solid article, stunning artwork, easy to read layout feeding my hunger for knowledge just enough to leave an apetite for more <3

Creator of the dark fantasy world of Melior
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17 May, 2019 17:48

Awww, thank you TJ <3

Check out my worldbuilding in the Ethnis Universe!
17 May, 2019 01:20

Wow.   (not much more I can say.....)

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
17 May, 2019 17:48

Nuff said!

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Elias Redclaw
17 May, 2019 07:35

I think I’m in love with this article. No like seriously. I was expecting to get hit by a lot of words but the fact that you guys managed to make this a masterpiece in such a small amount of words is what surprises me the most. I love it!   First things first, you guys are absolutely amazing at Hooking the reader . What I loved most in this article besides the artwork , is the fact that it’s extremely readable and doesn’t get boring at all! The artwork, formatting and details compliment each other and overall, I’d safely say that this article is the quintessential compact yet detailed article. Congrats Barron ( and Ademal) and keep up the amazing work! You guys are very inspiring and awesome indeed!

19 May, 2019 00:51

Quite well written and formatted. A wonderful piece.

19 May, 2019 17:42

Thank you!

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23 May, 2019 16:27

I too like this article because art.

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Elijah Andre-Orlando
31 May, 2019 00:38

Makes me miss Jhosei and reminds me that I could honestly play a decent Parisan. I'm still keen in eventually playing a Parisan liquid mage pilgrim at some point. Haha.

22 Jul, 2019 15:42

Perhaps when we do a local Ethnis Lite game? Glad you liked it!

Check out my worldbuilding in the Ethnis Universe!
12 Jun, 2020 16:59

The level of detail and craftsmanship is amazing - Ethnis always brings the heat! :D   Might be cool to see maybe some example organizations or individuals, to give us a boots-on-the-ground view from them? :)   Awesome stuff as always <3

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
13 Jun, 2020 00:24

Hey Q! Good to hear from you!   I certainly have plenty of articles with examples, however I don't want to get people into too much extended lore from this base article.   But I do have some examples!

Check out my worldbuilding in the Ethnis Universe!
28 Nov, 2020 20:06

This is really cool!

29 Nov, 2020 16:11

Thank you!

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