The Timeline of Everything


Welcome to the largest timeline throughout the 45 Realms of Ravare. Currently, this timeline only has records of the history as recorded on Ravarus but effort is being made to define a Universal Date System so that other records can be recorded.


The history known to few but the most ancient beings of Ravare.

Crusade of Man

The First Men arrive on Solith and begin a crusade against the natives in an effort to settle the untamed, foreign continent.

Conquest of Uderkith

Traveling to Haven from their home in Moorwald, the ancient dwarves begin to conquer everything before them.

Arrival of the Elvenkyne

The Elvenkyne arrive on Haven after their harrowing journey through The Wyld.

  • 8000 of Eld

    Arrival of Elves
    Era beginning/end

    Though the journey through the Wyld stole their identities, the Eld, declares themselves a new people as they finally escape the timelost jungle and venture into Haven.

  • 8100 of Eld

    Festival of Resurgence III
    Gathering / Conference

    The third Festival of Resurgence.

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  • 8213 of Eld

    Capital Founding: Ravenpeak

    As a sign of goodwill, the Menfolk of Haven presents the uninhabited Black Mount to the Faefolk to call their own in exchange for powerful arcane secrets of the Eld.

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  • 8228 of Eld

    Blackhill Slavery
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The Blackhill dwarves are rounded up and forced into slavery for the crimes of the Udirkith Empire, their holds are burned and shattered leaving only ruins.

  • 8300 of Eld

    Festival of Resurgence IV
    Gathering / Conference

    The fourth Festival of Resurgence.

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  • 8316 of Eld

    Nobles Rising
    Life, Wealth

    The first noble estates rise in Ravenpeak, great mansions constructed for the glory and opulence of a great family.

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  • 8317 of Eld

    Founding: Restbrook

    In an attempt to understand and study the source of the Resting River, a group of Dwarves settle the town of Restbrook. After a few years, the hamlet became a resting place for travelers heading to and from the Western half of the Verdant Expanse.

  • 8418 of Eld

    Aristocratic Machination
    Diplomatic action

    The noble house of Vedol in Ravenpeak is silently assassinated in a single night, leaving a mansion of death and a power vacuum in its wake. The noble house of Linu took up their position gladly, taking an iron grip on the city's aristocracy.

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  • 8500 of Eld

    Festival of Resurgence V
    Gathering / Conference

    The fifth Festival of Resurgence.

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  • 8613 of Eld

    Arrival of Orten Black
    Life, Birth

    Elias summons Orten Black from the Abyss itself.

  • 8617 of Eld

    Mirth's Creation
    Life, Birth

    Isilimirthir Mirthlynnmae is created within Lev Wynmenor.

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  • 8671 of Eld

    Capital Founding: Shardholm

    Originally built as a dockyard and massive storage, Shardholm was never intended to become the thriving metropolis that it has now become.

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  • 8683 of Eld

    Slaver's Guild Established

    Six families, all with deep ties to the slave trade, meet within Ravenpeak to form the Slaver's Guild. As coin was passed around quickly, little political resistance led them to quickly take root.

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  • 8684 of Eld

    Capital Founding: The Unseen Temple

    Slowly built with reverence and respect for the land, the temple was nothing less than a masterpiece hidden away in the Throat of the World.

    Unseen Valley
    More reading
    Unseen Temple
  • 8685 of Eld

    Slave's Run

    The inexperienced Slaver's Guild, horribly mismanaged, losses control of over a hundred slaves who riot in the lower portions of Ravenpeak before fleeing out into the plains.

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  • 8688 of Eld

    The First Slaver's Ball
    Cultural event

    A grand ceremony of wealth, flesh, and wine is hosted within Ravenpeak by the Slaver's Guild. This event leads to the nearly region-wide acceptance of slavery as a way for governments to reclaim lost taxes.

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  • 8689 of Eld

    Capital Founding: Graystone

    Having won the revolution, the Miner's Guild renames the Graystone Quarry and promises to make a city where hard work will always pay.

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  • 8693 of Eld

    City Founding: Batmunkh Sekka

    The Unseen Order and Garkith tribes come together to create the small thriving city of Batmunkh Sekka, a fortified city of stone that once belonged to the dwarves.

  • 8700 of Eld

    Festival of Resurgence VIII
    Gathering / Conference

    The seventh Festival of Resurgence.

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  • 8712 of Eld

    Capital Founding: Seawatch

    Finally free from the restraints of civil society, the dwarven clan of Giststeel claims the southern shores of the Abyss in the name of uncontrolled progress. Their various inventions powered by ichor harvested from the corpses of slain Abyssal Leviathans.

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  • 8718 of Eld

    Ruins of Wyaldri Hold
    Discovery, Exploration

    A Dwarven Hold is discovered that was constructed around 1300 years before, it was built around the depths of Abyss. This Hold seemingly had the ability to use the power of the lake’s crushing depths to supply mechanical power in the form of pistons and water wheels. Sadly, most of the Hold has been flooded for hundreds of years.

  • 8736 of Eld

    Golems for Spriggans
    Financial Event

    Dwarves trade the secrets of Golems for the Eld secrets of Spriggans.

  • 8801 of Eld

    Harnassing Ichor
    Scientific achievement

    The stabilizing properties of Ichor are discovered within Seawatch.

  • 8834 of Eld

    Disaster Upon the Abyssian Shores
    Disaster / Destruction

    With science unhindered, safety becomes an afterthought. Attempting to speed up the production of Ichor to keep up with the constant demand the Leviathan Hunters of Seawatch attempt to hunt two Leviathans at a time through the use of explosive Ichor. Disaster follows.

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  • 8857 of Eld

    Village Founding: Brine

    The village of Brine is founded on Seaspray Island.

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  • 8900 of Eld

    Festival of Resurgence VIII
    Gathering / Conference

    The eighth Festival of Resurgence.

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  • 8903 of Eld

    Birth of Cleaver
    Life, Birth

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  • 8913 of Eld

    Path of Stone
    Construction beginning/end

    Following a few years of political discourse, the Path of Stone that connects Seawatch and the City of Marble is completed.

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  • 8967 of Eld

    Birth of Baranir Blackforge
    Life, Birth

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  • 8972 of Eld

    City Founding: Shorewall

    Established as a small, island settlement of Haven, Shorewall's original purpose was to maintain naval superiority over The City of Marble. Its name originates from the large quay built along a large portion of the shore that was nicknamed Shorewall.

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  • 8974 of Eld

    City Founding: Orswall

    Known for its walls of stone and lumber, Orswall is founded upon the premise of safety in numbers as it rests on the harsh Solemn Expanse.

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  • 8983 of Eld

    Huntsman's Guild Established

    Before the Fall, the Gravehunter's guild was established under the name of the Huntsman's Guild. Specialized in both beast and bounty hunting.

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  • 8989 of Eld

    Arrival of the Kushtaka
    Population Migration / Travel

    Stranded from their distant home the Kushtaka find themselves on the island they would come to call home for generations.

  • 8990 of Eld

    City Founding: Mortozakas

    Founded in secret on the southern tip of Solith, conquistadors from Helt constructed a military fortification from which to explore the continent.

Fall of Lady Death

Lady Death is slain by the Nine and the world falls into chaos as the dead rise to torment the living.

  • 9000 of Fall

    The Fall
    Disaster / Destruction

    The goddess of death is slain by her fellow gods and the world descends into decades of turmoil.

    More reading
    Introduction to Haven
  • 9001 of Fall

    9003 of Fall

    Necromancer Purges
    Military action

    As the Unfallen begin to rise, the nations of Solith begin to find the cause of the growing "undead" problem. Hundreds of Necromancers are slaughtered, tortured, or executed in the largest witch hunt in Solith's history. It did little to stop the growing hordes of starved, raging Unfallen that began to appear all over the world. But as the reality of the harsh new world sets in, many of these deaths are called into question and the practice quickly disappears across Haven.

  • 9004 of Fall

    Orswall's Demise
    Disaster / Destruction

    Plague quickly overcomes the population of Orswall. Those in charge have the gates collapsed to rubble to stop the plague from spreading. It takes only a month for the last living person to give in to unlife, leaving the city a haunted waste of starving undead. Orswall is renamed Scourge as a warning.

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  • 9005 of Fall

    Hela's Healers
    Disaster / Destruction

    Several pious clerics and dutiful followers of their gods work together in an attempt to raise the undead back to true life. Of the 30 volunteers who began the undertaking only 4 survive with nothing but sorrow and disappointment to show for their efforts.

  • 9006 of Fall

    Capital Refounding: Shardholm

    As the Fall consumes the continent, Lady Holm returns to Haven and fortifies the port settlement of Shardholm. Strong walls are erected, a dutiful military formed, and the burgeoning city becomes a citadel for life in an age of death and ruin.

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  • 9007 of Fall

    The First Blackstone Vestige
    Technological achievement

    Carefully constructed of Blackstone and Steel, the first soul is placed within a Blackstone Vestige.

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  • 9009 of Fall

    Gravehunter's Guild Established

    Rebranding itself as the Gravehunter's Guild, the ex-Huntsman's Guild now focuses on slaughtering hordes of unfallen and destroying for the various graveyards and mausoleums that they crawl out of. Many Hunstmen leave, not having the stomach for the dangerous nature of their new tasks.

  • 9009 of Fall

    Repopulation of the Unseen Temple
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the Unfallen began to ravage the rest of Haven, many of the Unseen Faith began to seek refuge in the temple. Its population tripled over the following year.

    Unseen Temple
  • 9010 of Fall

    Batmunkh Sekka Falls
    Population Migration / Travel

    The last great city of the northern peaks is abandoned to the undead scourge and the mountain snows. A once-prosperous region is now reduced to nothing more than nomadic tribes and secluded monasteries. Great secrets are lost to the biting wind and freezing snows, never to be seen again.

  • 9012 of Fall

    Secrets for Blessings
    Financial Event

    In exchange for the promise of safety from the Pyrepriests of the City of Marble, Seawatch shares the method of Warforged creation with City of Marble.

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  • 9013 of Fall

    The First Marbleborn
    Technological achievement

    The great sculptures of the City of Marble craft new, less bulky, Blackstone Vestige

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  • 9013 of Fall

    Blight Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    Vile pools of green, scalding liquid are found gathering around the city of Scourge. This liquid has unique properties that forces undeath upon anything that touches it. Trade between the Verdant Expanse and the Solemn Expanse is nearly decimated.

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  • 9014 of Fall

    The First Timbergrown
    Technological achievement

    Wandering the Verdant Expanse, a third type of Blackstone Vestige is found with no memories of her past.

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  • 9015 of Fall

    Lion Pryde
    Military action

    A legendary gravehunter pact beings to amass the greatest organized effort ever seen to push back the undead into the blistered expanse. They later become memorialized in the Gravehunter's Hall in Graystone, their largest lion mount's head adorning a prominent place on the northern wall of the museum.

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  • 9018 of Fall

    Birth of Keldon Ru
    Life, Birth
  • 9019 of Fall

    Stonekeeper Gathering
    Gathering / Conference

    The great Stonekeeper tribe, now beaten and battered comes together to perform their sacred rituals and carve their history into stone.

  • 9021 of Fall

    9023 of Fall

    The Gravemarch
    Military action

    "Hundreds of Gravehunter's gather to march upon Death's Cradle. Though the battle was considered a success, enough bodies lay in ruin to build the foundations of Shatterhold. First step is 3021 of Midflame."

  • 9022 of Fall

    Capital Founding: Shatterhold

    Built upon the corpses of fallen soldiers, Shatterhold is erected as a beacon of solidarity against the Unfallen hordes. It is quickly established as major influence in the political landscape of Haven.

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  • 9032 of Fall

    9033 of Fall


    The Red Winter
    Disaster / Destruction

    A dark winter where countless lives were lost to the environment, and each other.

    Unseen Temple
  • 9035 of Fall

    The Great Typhoon
    Disaster / Destruction

    The worst storm in recent history breaks against the coast of the Black Sea, flooding settlements and decimating the land. Many coastal cities still survive the raging storms that drift in from the sea in bunkers made after that great storm.

  • 9036 of Fall

    The Vessels of Marble
    Religious event

    The twelve vessels of sacred marble are handed out to paragons of the Unseen Order, preserving their wisdom and knowledge for the future.

  • 9037 of Fall

    Blight Growth
    Plague / Epidemic

    Scouting reports that the Unfallen have been purposefully spreading Blight from Scourge.

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  • 9042 of Fall

    Forging of Keldon Ru
    Life, Supernatural
  • 9042 of Fall

    Death of Solas Solari
    Life, Death

    Considered by most, the greatest master of the Unseen Order disappears from within the temple. He is believed dead and a month-long funeral is held for the honored prophet.

    Unseen Temple
    More reading
    Solas Solari
  • 9042 of Fall

    Order Preserved
    Life, Milestone

    The last of the marble vessels are gifted to their bearers.

  • 9045 of Fall

    Kelden Ru joins the Gravehunters
    Life, Career

    After years of wandering and deep prayer, Kelden leaves the Throat of the World and vows to protect the land and those who call it home.

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  • 9046 of Fall

    Birth of Oryn Runescar
    Life, Birth

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  • 9050 of Fall

    Birth of Crimm Turtenwald
    Life, Birth

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  • 9051 of Fall

    The Fall of Ryloth
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Vessel of Thanatas wipes out the Garkith tribe at Ryloth after a vile sickness begins to decimate their kin.

  • 9052 of Fall

    Birth of Elias Dask
    Life, Birth

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  • 9053 of Fall

    Village Founding: Twinhill

    Settled between two large hills, Twinhill is founded as a farming village and quarry.

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  • 9057 of Fall

    Laws of Blight
    Civil action

    Blight has destroyed several farmsteads and entire towns, new laws across the Solemn Expanse that disallows citizens from crossing into Blighted Territory to help stop the growing population of Unfallen around Scourge.

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  • 9060 of Fall

    Birth of Dead Night
    Life, Birth

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  • 9064 of Fall

    Festival of Resurgence IX
    Gathering / Conference

    The ninth Festival of Resurgence. It was performed around 36 years early due to the unfallen attacks on Verdant. Attended by Oryn Runescar and Kelden Ru.

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  • 9068 of Fall

    Wyld Rush

    A strange herd of twisted beasts of the Wyldwood breakthrough Wyldkeep and the five sisters. Though the Gravehunters were swift to deal with the rampaging threat, some still say a few stray beasts roam the verdant expanse.

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  • 9072 of Fall

    Abyss Diving
    Discovery, Scientific

    Ever curious and vain, the engineers guild of Seawatch begin work to construct a vessel capable of traversing into the depths of the vast body of water Seawatch is built upon. It's dark and murky waters may prove to hold many great secrets.

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  • 9073 of Fall

    Wyldworn Pact: Founded

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  • 9077 of Fall

    The Moon Festival
    Cultural event

    A great celebration of the moon held on the winter solstice every 10 years when the days are the shortest and the nights long. It is held in the largest plaza of Seawatch, full of games, treats, and revelry.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    1 PastFrost

    Raven's Call
    Life, Career

    As the ranks of Unfallen grow to unprecedented sizes, the Raven Council has hired the entirety of the Gravehunter's Guild to attempt a second Grave March. All Gravehunter's must answer the Raven's Call.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    25 MidFlame

    Battle for Twinhill
    Military action

    Two small hordes of Unfallen attack the small village of Twinhill. Luckily, a group of Gravehunters were there to save the village.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    8 PastFlame

    Gravenight Pact: Founded

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  • 9078 of Fall

    8 PastFlame

    Wyldworn Pact: Disbanded

    Having only been a successful Pact for about a month despite its age, the Wyldworn Pact was disbanded after the Disaster at Hallen. Its name only found in ledgers of coin counters, all members involved hope that this Pact will not haunt their Gravehunter careers for too long.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    8 PastFlame

    Waywatch Pact: Founded

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  • 9078 of Fall

    5 NewRot

    Blasphemy at Graystone
    Life, Birth

    Amongst the gore of hundreds of lives lost to an unknown abomination within the depths of Graystone a creature is born. Over four thousand lives were lost in a single event. Graystone only survived because of the Gravehunter presence within.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    5 NewRot

    Storm of Shadiym
    Disaster / Destruction

    Out of season, Shadiym returns to Haven and lays waste to the coastline. For the first time in countless centuries, his full form was visible to the people of Haven. He was able to be seen from Shardholm to Verdant.

  • 9078 of Fall

    16 MidRot

    Village Founding: Hope's Landing

    In an effort to make a truly safe place in Haven, Elder Kelden Ru begins reconstruction of the abandoned town of Nolan's Dock. The town flourishes for a short time before disaster strikes.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    4 PastRot

    Krieg's Advance
    Military action

    In preparation for the coming Grave March, Captain Matthias Krieg leads elite Gravehunters to push back the undead and establish forward bases and fortifications. Captain Krieg's efforts are an overwhelming success and a complex series of fortified bunkers and trenches are built a mile outside Shatterhold.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    16 NewFrost

    Bone Spire Assault
    Military action

    A small division of Gravehunters are assembled to push back the Unfallen encroaching on Shatterhold, ending in a marvelous success.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    21 NewFrost

    Gravenight Pact: Shattered

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  • 9078 of Fall

    19 MidFrost

    Wendigos Attack
    Military action

    A horde of terrible nigh immortal monsters descends from the Jagged Expanse, sweeping through the solemn expanse to the City of Marble.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    22 MidFrost

    Hope's Landing Abandoned

    Kelden Ru returns to Hope's Landing to frantically evacuate his people as the Wendigos march farther and farther south. With the help of the Waywatchers, the town's populace is safely evacuated from the region.

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  • 9078 of Fall

    28 MidFrost

    Assault of Telt
    Military action

    After the Waywatcher Pact free Draaken from his prison in the Dlaken Plains, the titanic Godbeast sets in motion an ancient prophecy to resurrect Lady Death. Journeying across Haven with the Gravehunter Pact, he attempts to enlist the help of the other Godbeasts in slaying the ageless master of Telt and freeing the Lady of the Lake from her imprisonment. After a brutal battle and the destruction of much of the town and its prophetic inhabitants, Orten Black is slain and banished back to the realm from which he originated.

  • 9079 of Fall

    4 NewGrowth

    The Rebirth
    Era beginning/end

    The Waywatcher Pact, following the machinations of Tennant and Ram, resurrect Lady Death in the sorrowful pit of Death's Cradle by sacrificing her child Elias. Across Solith the ripples of her rebirth are felt as death returns renewed to the continent. Ram escapes into realms unknown and Tennant ascends to fill his place among The Nine.

  • 9079 of Fall


    Secrets Revealed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As Elias perishes in Death's Cradle and his angels fall from divinity, the secrets once kept by Lady My'yrna are laid bare to the world. First Men towers appear across Solith and Humanity's most ancient secrets may soon find themselves revealed to the world.

  • 9079 of Fall

    9089 of Fall


    Blackhill Freedom
    Life, Milestone

    Following fifteen generations of enslavement, Blackhill families finally work off the debt forced upon them by the sophonts of Haven. Over the next decade, every Blackhill Dwarf is finally freed from servitude.

  • 9079 of Fall


    Unfallen Reborn
    Life, Birth

    The tortured souls of the Unfallen, once bound in prisons of rot and anguish, are freed from the torturous agony of Lady Death's fury against the living. A new species of sophont is born and the reviled Unfallen flock to Bastion where the Goddess of Death now Unfallen holds court. Similar sanctuaries for the Undead appear across Haven as the Unfallen spread across the continent, finding new purpose as traders and herders in the reborn world.

  • 9079 of Fall


    Ascension: Tennant
    Religious event

    Tennant ascends to take up Ram's vaccant seat among The Nine and claims Ravenpeak as his own. He is initially met with backlash from the Peak Elves who begrudingly allow the Lord of Portals into their city as they reel from Ram's sudden disappearance. The Raven Council convenes to discuss his proposed patronage of the capital city.

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  • 9079 of Fall


    Steelforged Rebellion

    A small contingent of Steelforged break away from the Steelforged Legion of Ravenpeak, declaring themselves a free people intent on the eradication of the Unfallen and maintaining their people's independence.

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  • 9079 of Fall


    Wendigos Dispersed

    The Wendigo Threat diminishes as their vast war party breaks against the indomitable force of the City of Marble. By the end of the following year, only a handful of surviving warbands remain to plague unlucky travelers in the Solemn Expanse and across Haven.

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  • 9079 of Fall


    The Nine Reborn
    Political event

    The most powerful Divines on Haven reconvene The Nine to form a tentative peace between the many gods and their recovering patron cities. A binding agreement is struck, allowing Haven a year before the Divines would once again meddle in the affairs of one another. Thus bestowing the battered sophonts of the region with vital time used to recover and adapt to the new world.

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  • 9079 of Fall


    Graystone Unrest

    As Graystone suffers under Narti's rule, unrest begins to swell in the city as Narti's Brood clamps down on the city with an iron fist.

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  • 9079 of Fall


    Refounding: Hope's Landing

    Master Kelden Ru reconvenes the Hope Council comprised of the most trustworthy and skillful mortals who would come to his call. Together they refound the abandoned settlement of Hope's Landing, creating a sanctuary for all mortals under the principles of innate mortal excellence and fallibility of the Divines.

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The Age of Rebirth

Lady Death is reborn in the depths of Death's Cradle and with her return, death once again may truly claim the living.

  • 9080 of Rebirth

    City of Marble Recovery
    Construction beginning/end

    With the Wendigo threat considered dealt with, Argous and Telia both work towards the repair and development of the City of Marble. Additional effort is spent on bolstering the walls of the Marble City, nearly doubling their height.

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  • 9080 of Rebirth

    Consolidation of the Godbeasts
    Diplomatic action

    Ma'Gesene and Gehinnik reach peace for the first time in nearly a millennia. Together their hunting parties bring in hoards of food that allow Flyte to flourish, though neither gains any particular notoriety for the achievement. As Flyte flourishes, Draaken seeks retribution against Selt'Ama for his betrayal during the Assault of Telt. After the King of Lizards is wounded as penitence for his dishonor, the two Godbeasts make peace and seek to reform the primal pantheon of the Godbeasts.

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  • 9080 of Rebirth

    The Jagged Expedition

    With the Wendigo threat no longer plaguing the Jagged Expanse, the Archeologist’s Guild of Shardholm is able to retrieve dozens of forgotten artifacts. Thus prompting more funding for future expeditions and a resurgence in First Men culture and values in the Shardlands.

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  • 9080 of Rebirth


    Unfallen Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the Unfallen hordes now organizing into nomadic societies, they empty much of Death's Cradle at the behest of Lady Death and her Archangels. As the Verdant Expanse is flooded with newly sentient Unfallen, tensions rise to a breaking point. Though the Undead pose no true threat, Beastfolk across the Verdant struggle to live alongside the Unfallen and many innocent lives are lost as a result. Meanwhile, Ravenpeak is the first capital to open its gates to the Unfallen and welcomes large numbers of them into their society. As some accept the newly sentient Undead, Ikati and her Pride successfully fend off Unfallen pilgrims attempting to find sanctuary in the jungles of Flyte. While the Unfallen Goblins of the Parched Expanse meet similarly abysmal fates as thousands die to the flesh-stripping sand storms.

  • 9080 of Rebirth


    Shatterhold Peace
    Civil action

    As the reborn Unfallen spread across Solith and empty the Blistered Expanse, Shatterhold is at peace for the first time since its founding. The war-torn city finally relaxes after decades of brutal war and is able to rebuild, repair, and recover in the wake of The Rebirth.

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  • 9080 of Rebirth


    The Sacred Pyre
    Religious event

    Rona finds widespread acceptance in the City of Marble, and her cult of the Sacred Pyre erect a new central building for her worship. It is made illegal to bury the dead within the Marble City and all corpses are given to the great Pyre.

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  • 9080 of Rebirth


    Unfallen Capitals

    Waves of Unfallen migrate from the Blistered Expanse to Grinwalde under the watchful eye of Augar. Yet the lack of food and old hatreds cause chaos throughout the streets of the newly founded Undead capital. While Lady Death, as the new ruler of Bastion, offers sanctuary to the newly awoken Unfallen, and the reformed priests of Elias bend to follow her new rules. Many are discomforted by this new government, as nearly eight decades of torment leave noticeable scars on the Goddess of Death.

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  • 9080 of Rebirth


    Gravehunter Rebellion

    With no Unfallen to fight, Gravehunter's focus their forces on reclaiming Graystone from Narti's grasps while the citizens of Graystone citizens rise in open revolt against Narti's Brood.

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  • 9084 of Rebirth

    The Govvneth Restored
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Centuries after the banishment of the Centaur gods from Solith, Oryn Runescar reunites the shattered pieces of the Govveneth Stone and return the greatest of their gods to Haven. Gia Fear'eich opens a gateway to their ancestral homeland beckons his people to abandon this cursed continent. Nearly all the Centaurs follow the will of their god and the once numerous Beastfolk all but vanish from the shores of abundance.

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  • 9090 of Rebirth

    27 PastGrowth
    9090 of Rebirth

    1 NewFlame

    Recruitment of the Vanguard
    Military action

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  • 9090 of Rebirth

    2 NewFlame
    9090 of Rebirth

    16 NewFlame

    Training of the Vanguard
    Military action

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  • 9090 of Rebirth

    18 NewFlame

    Journey to Restbrook

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