To ALL my FRIENDS (yes, you, silly...)

  Thank you for being there for me. 2022 was a literal hell for myself and my family, and I was not able to be here much, in the community I love with all my soul. I ached for your company, your jokes, your happy dispositions, and even chatting about things we don't agree on...cause I like you more than any differences between us.


Are you as excited as I open the side doors of our creative noggins and let the brilliance seep out all over the floor? I hope so, 'cause I'm ready to finger-paint with that goo!   Right -- on to the homework!!

Which world (or worlds) you’ll work on for Summer Camp and how many prompts you hope to complete?

If you know me at all, you already know there's only one world I work on, and that's Wanted Hero. After my breakdown last summer, it's taken me a year to get back on my feet, to establish to rewrite my novels from Wendell's perspective, and to engage in this most excellent community event!   I've always focused on finishing each and every prompt, and to date, I've always done so. I'm not always confident, I'm not always strong, but I'll always shoot for the top and be ever-so-grateful for what i end up hitting. It's how I ride.  

Theme preparation: POWER

Power presents itself in many forms within this vast world -- but it is sought for only one reason: control. From researching ancient scrolls, to tempting the darker beings of the unseen world, mortals seek to control power. Whether it be for selfish reasons or to wrest it from those who would abuse it, the struggle is real and ongoing.
  Silently working among the clouds, the University of Magic remains a culmination of the arcane, tapping into the Seven Disciplines to shape the world to their will. Working from the shadows, criminal organizations leverage fear and pain against humble citizens, tipping the economic balance of the nobles too fat to notice the extra hands on their purse strings.   My hope this Summer Camp is to pay close attention as to how power is being used, and how it will affect the ongoing stories of this world. My particular attention will be upon the magic used by the races, and also how unique organizations like Stilence, Mish, Trition, and Mise will use their true abilities in the storylines of the series.    

Theme preparation: Frontier

I'm particularly excited about this theme, because it's been underused for years in my world. Hundreds of hours have gone into the development of the Dragons Chasm on paper, but nothing on WA. That will change. The first year I joined the community, I wrote about a frontier discussed in one of my first books about the Demoni Vankil. It revealed a hidden camp, where prisoners were used in magical experiments. Another frontier I'm fond of and want to expand on is the The Black Market, an entire community underground -- and no one knwos where it's located, because the only means in and out is teleportation.

Theme preparation: Relics

Ahhh, the glorious relics gifted to us still engaged in mortality.   I can think of so many items, and even people for that matter -- which excites me for this wave of prompts from Summer Camp! The first that comes to mind would be 'Chucks Keys'. No one knows where they came from or how old they are -- only that they work, and have saved the lives of our heroes more than once.  
The next relic that comes to mind are the Prime Gates still functional and used throughout the world, folding space for travelers to pass through to foreign lands.   Legend says these gates date back to the time of the very first Gnolaum, or Hero of the Gem. The first and greatest of these gates can be found in the very courtyard of Castle Andilain, though it was dismantled after the capture and baishment of Mahan.  

What I'm Looking Forward To Most

I don't know about you, but I create and write to find out what I think about things. Bringing ideas to life, mixing and matching them, and then crafting a final combination to share with others helps me discover new parts of myself.   That's one of my favorite things about Summer Camp -- because I get to go through that process with thousands of other amazing you.   I wish you the very best in your own adventures!!

Epic Badges to look for...

Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline

Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

An illustration of young adults camping; one is roasting marshmallows, one is playing guitar, one is drinking a warm drink. There is a ghostly form hovering over them. It is badge shaped and reads World Anvil Summer Camp, Spooky Shenanigans 2023

Spooky Shenanigans by Haly, the Moonlight Bard/Canva


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Sage strixxline
Polina "Line" Arteev
22 Jun, 2023 00:32

I love the art all over this article! ❤ Have an AMAZING SummerCamp and I can't wait to see what ideas we get to explore as a community this year! :D

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Join me in Camp Feral this SummerCamp!
22 Jun, 2023 02:50

Hiya Polina!! Me too!   I'm so glad you like the artwork. I have a live-in artist who does all this for me.   You have an AMAZING Summer Camp right BACK!!

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
22 Jun, 2023 01:22

I agree with Line, your art is awesome, I particularly like the map. Here is to finger painting! (which, i mean come on, if we are being honest not nearly enough adults finger paint, its so much FUN!)

22 Jun, 2023 02:54

Hehe, heya drunkenpanda951...   I agree we should do some finger painting!! Also glad you like the artwork -- I'm finally able to get back to the love of drawing again. Doesn't need to be perfect, just needs to convey the idea...

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
22 Jun, 2023 01:28

Good luck with Summer Camp! As always, I look forward to seeing your awesome creations!

Summer Camp is here and I'm so excited! It's my favorite World Anvil event of the year! Keep up to date with my progress on my personal Summer Camp page!

22 Jun, 2023 02:54

Awwww, THANKS, Chris! You too =)

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
22 Jun, 2023 01:50

So excited to see you excited! Can't wait!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
22 Jun, 2023 02:56

I'm so excited to see you excited, that I'm excited!   ....isn't it...EXCITING!?!!

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
22 Jun, 2023 10:28

You are an unending font of enthusiasm an encouragement for the World Anvil community and myself personally. Way the well of your creativity never run dry my friend. See you on the Summer Camp grounds of imagination.

Featured Articles in the Shadow War across Creation by Graylion

22 Jun, 2023 17:15

Gosh, that was nice of you, bro. An 'unending font of enthusiasm an encouragement'?   I always considered myself a "one-cheek-sneak" myself, but I like yours better!

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
22 Jun, 2023 12:58

Good luck, I hope you have an amazing summer camp after your hell year! <3

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
22 Jun, 2023 17:15

Thank you, Emily! You too =)

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
Eternal Sage Wordigirl
LexiCon (WordiGirl)
23 Jun, 2023 12:44

God bless and much success with your plans! Sending love and hugs <3

24 Jun, 2023 01:59

Right back at you, LexiCon!!!

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
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