Cathedris Themesong

Learn to Live in the Shadows of Dead Gods

A primer to the dark and broken world of Cathedris.

Are you okay? No wounds? Thank He'an, I wasn't sure if we'd be able to get you out of that Legion facility in one piece. They were doing some pretty horrible things there. They've been messing around with people's minds lately, doing dark things with Catalurgy; it's likely you remember next to nothing. Take a seat, I'll catch you up -- there's a lot you need to know.
— Andel Elsegood, Resistance Coordinator

What is Cathedris?

The world of Cathedris is dark, it's scary, and it's hopeful. Its people, the humans of Cathedris, live within the shadows of colossal dead gods -- the God-husks. These broken monsters, the size of mountains, tower over the landscape, mindlessly completing loops that are echoes of their former lives. Bits of decaying pieces of flesh or blood from these god-husks coagulate and mix with the local wildlife, forming an abhorrent, nigh unkillable species, known as Rendlings -- terrifying monsters that hunt anything that moves, humans included.   The planet is seeing new technology and industrial processes created at an unprecedented pace. Roughly 80 years ago, the people of Cathedris discovered how to create and utilize electricity. That discovery started a chain reaction of breakthrough after breakthrough, propelling civilization forward into its first massive industrial boom. Conflict rose with the level of technology, as countries fought over land containing limited resources. The fighting began to settle withing the last two decades, with the advent of Catalurgists -- though a new, scarier war is brewing in the background because of them.  

Themes present in Cathedris

Dark, foreboding, scary, realistic, with a dash of whimsy. Cathedris draws much from the themes of "Dark Fantasy", "Dieselpunk", and various "Industrial" sources. There is a tug of war between the feeling of oppression and uprising throughout the entire planet; oppression from the danger of the ever-present God-husks and bullying from the militaristic superpower nations or Legion, and uprising from the strength of the common people, empowered by the hope that new technology brings.     The level of technology in Cathedris has reached a point where they've begun to create mechanically powered vehicles, they've started experimenting with electricity, and they've started to learn about the biologic building blocks of their world.

Is- is that a Powermap? Where in the name of Qur did you pick that up? Legionnaire intelligence operatives generally never let them out of their grubby little hands. This is a great find.   Tell you what, you entertain yourself with that for a bit -- I need to talk to some people and get a room prepped for you. It's a simple device to use, hit the buttons along the top and the map will zoom you along and highlight the different countries of the world. It even displays a bit of info regarding them; maybe something here will jog your memory.
— Andel Elsegood, Resistance Coordinator
Regretably, the interactive "Powermap" CSS does not fit to a mobile screen view. If you would like to explore this portion of the article in greater detail, please view this article on PC! Otherwise, feel free to continue to the next segment :)

Point Apae
Theah Prieah
Shattered Isles
Full View


Congratulations on your brand new LEGIONTECH POWERMAP 3100-X, the latest in cutting edge mapping technology, proprietary to Legiontech and Legion assosciated organizations. If you find yourself in possession of this device while not part of the Legion, in direct contact with the Legion, or within the Legion's care, please turn the device and yourself in to the nearest Legion headquarters as soon as possible or risk facing the consequences.   If you are authorized to use this device, please direct your attention to the top of the machine, where you will see located a variety of buttons, complete with country names inscribed upon them. Pressing these buttons will engage internal mechanisms that will modify the map to the left to showcase only the country you have selected. Additionally, a short bit of important information regarding selected country will be displayed here on the right.   Should new countries form or disband, please look forward to purchasing the latest model of LEGIONTECH POWERMAP in order to stay up to date on global trends.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Apathae
  This is a large, cold country, located to the north of the continent Apathae, directly along the crater edge created by Qur long ago. The country is home to massive glacial cliffs that rake huge scarred canyons through the rocky terrain. The country worships He'an and is a popular travel destination.   Articles in Ha'e:
Festival of Acceptance
Tradition / Ritual | May 9, 2022

For three days during the waning summer months, festival attendees shed their masks and embrace who they truly are in this festival of love.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Apathae
  This country appears to have once been shaped by Qur long ago; now the vibrant twisted shapes have been weathered down to rolling stone hills covered in thick, oppressive moss. It's a small country, not a big player on the world's stage, but is still a vital trade partner with Qurain.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: North Apathae
  A massive complex of dormant volcanoes fills the landscape of Degrunda; Codod attacks the ground with fervor in attempt to restart the fires underground, but to no avail. The land is thus full of broken cliffs, jagged canyons, dark caves, and endless ice. The number one career path in Degrunda is mining -- as Codod exposes vein after vein of valuable metal.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: North Apathae
  Unlike its neighbour to the north, Abrador is home to considerable volcanic activity, seem primarily within the large icy lava field that spans the country's interior. Large sheets of ice form and shatter as pockets of lava erupt from below. The hills that ring this area are full of hot springs, and are where the main concentration of the country's population lives.
by Stormbril with Midjourney

Point Apae

On Continent: North Apathae
  Mostly flat and connected to the main continent by a tiny land bridge, and due to its location, perfectly situated to create an environment of constant freeze-thaw. This creates a landscape full of pockmarks, marshy ground, and strange hummocks that bulge from the landscape appearing almost like rotten piles of vegetation. The ground is rich with nutrients and the residents construct large greenhouses to farm it, protecting themselves from the frost.
by Stormbril with Midjourney

Theah Prieah

On Continent: Enqua
  Large rolling hills comprised of rough red sandstone break up valleys of lush green grass and oxbow lakes, where rivers have meandered and left behind large U-shaped bodies of water. Theah Prieah shares its border with Raktana, dividing The Comprilith in two between the two nations. On this Theah Prieah's side of the border, T'kalia kneels motionless within sight of his and Rak'tos's failed project.   Articles in Theah Prieah:
Character | Dec 27, 2022

The ex-god of Time and Information and once partner-architect of the Comprilith; run through with his own Spear of Time, caught in an endless moment of agony.

The Comprilith
Building / Landmark | Jan 21, 2023

A great, unfinished, and accursed tower built by Rak'tos and T'kalia long ago. Houses knowledge and information from across all ages -- its interior is twisted and warped, and time flows strangely inside.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Enqua
  Raktana was once the home to a massive mountain of red limestone and gypsum; but the heavy rainfall experienced in the region weathered this down over hundreds of thousands of years, creating erosions and deposits that formed the country's strange twisting landscape. Rak'tos floats above it often, always within sight of her and T'kalia's failed project, The Comprilith.   Articles in Raktana:
Character | Dec 29, 2022

In her life, Rak'tos would use her power over Space to look through any and all dimensions, learning everything she could. In death, she's collapsed into a superposition of agony, as every version of her inhabits a single moment in all realities.

The Comprilith
Building / Landmark | Jan 21, 2023

A great, unfinished, and accursed tower built by Rak'tos and T'kalia long ago. Houses knowledge and information from across all ages -- its interior is twisted and warped, and time flows strangely inside.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Enqua
  A large peninsula jutting out from the southern end of Raktana forms this country; home to much of the same red stone that comprises the landforms of the other two countries that share the continent. Wo'bb'al has many springs that form deep underground, bubbling up through porous stone and forming hundreds of small terraced lakes. The water pours from these, eroding the red stone and forming crimson rivers that weave their way to the ocean.
by Stormbril with Midjourney

Shattered Isles

On Continent: Vir Tenera
  Home to the most consistently warm temperatures anywhere on Cathedris, the Shattered Isles are a series of small tropical islands that have banded together to form an island nation with a strong and vibrant eclectic culture. These islands, with their white beaches and dark green foliage, are thought to have once been one land-mass, that was somehow broken into pieces long ago. The Shattered Isles also claim a few more world records; home of the most Legion bases as well as the most Rendlings per square meter, thanks to the resident God-husk, Dimiti.   Articles in the Shattered Isles:
Character | Aug 30, 2022

God-husk to the Shattered Isles, stuck in a loop of maintaining perilous balance.

Shattered Isles
Geographic Location | Sep 1, 2022

Home to the worlds most diverse population of Rendlings -- and the soldiers who fight them.

The Underwater Silos of the Shattered Isles
Building / Landmark | Sep 1, 2022

A secret facility for Ichor storage and experimentation, deep under water, controlled and run by the Legion.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Vir Tenera
  Two larger main islands with a massive stretch of shallow ocean between the two. At low tide, the sand becomes revealed, forming a large land bridge between the two islands, exposing a large variety of shellfish that form the core of the citizens diet, and trade. On the smaller of the two main islands resides Tatete; due to her presence, all citizens of Brekoffs live on the larger island.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Vir Tenera
  One of the largest countries in the world, and home to a large varying landscape; Hansun is home to Miyu, the graceful goddess of combat, as well as the birthplace of the Legion. The land is comprised of a massive central plain, which is outlined by a mix of many sharp peaks or flat-topped cliffs, all made up of red or black stone. Additionally, there are large swathes of black sand desert dunes across the countryside.   Articles in Hansun:
Character | Sep 18, 2022

Brutal God-husk, dual wielder of spears, and master of combat. Source of the combat art known as Yuai Do.

Malun-Chaujun, the Tide of Hansun
Settlement | May 8, 2022

The Chau were traditionally a migratory people -- but eventually, they settled near the river Honnun, which goes through incredible flooding seasons. Thus the Chau are a people of two cities -- Malun, and Chaujun.

The Resourceful people of Soom-Shida
Ethnicity | Sep 8, 2022

An isolated group of people, bound together by the desire to reuse and repurpose anything and everything -- including the limbs of dead monsters.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Vir Adanea
  This country was once home to the world's largest interior lake; however over the many thousands of years since The Seven Day War, the lake has dried up, leaving a large basin surrounded by terraced mountains. Small bodies of water reside within this basin, around which the citizens of Deyhun have settled.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Vir Adanea
  Secluded from its neighbouring countries by tall border mountains, Leyazcallen is a small reserved nation that keeps mostly to itself. Geographically, it is made up of cryoplains -- formations of plains, terraces, and pediments made through cyclical freezing and thawing, broken up by a large impact crater lake from long before the God-husks ever existed.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Vir Adanea
  Aside from Apathae (which was torn in two), no land-mass saw more devastation during the The Seven Day War than Kazcallen. Even now, the majority of the country is a barren, desolate wasteland, within which next to nothing can grow. The people of Kazcallen mostly reside along the country's northern mountain borders, or in the capital city on the western point, far behind the area that Xiuthan patrols.   Articles in Kazcallen:
Character | Dec 24, 2022

She used to be the god of Growth and Decay; pulling the strings of living beings, propelling them through life to feed the cycle. All that remains within her now is death.

In the Festering Core of Thansa City
Generic article | Dec 31, 2022

A short story of a pickpocket/thief known as Thomas, as he attempts to flee from his most recent mark through the dirty and overcrowded streets of central Thansa City.

Desolation Ruins
Settlement | Jul 5, 2022

A small ancient settlement, scraped and decayed down to stone foundations by Xiuthan during the Seven Day War.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Volsinki
  An authoritarian military superpower of Cathedris, known for strict regulations and rulings imposed on its citizens. The people mainly live in one of Artazia's 5 main cities, spread throughout the towering jagged peaks and massive winding rivers. Avartarian rampages within the country, so violently that the area around him has been dubbed the "Zone of War"; effectively creating a no-mans land where none but the Legion dare go.   Articles in Artazia:
Character | Dec 20, 2022

The dead god of Victory, locked in an endless war against his own body

River Artazia
Geographic Location | Jan 22, 2023

A massive glacier fed river that happens to be Artazia's longest river, and third longest in the world. Home to a wide variety of fish and land animals, location for industry, travel, and trade, and housing more than its fair share of secrets.

Cradle of Ice
Geographic Location | Aug 31, 2022

The nursery of River Artazia -- and the resting place of what was once one massive glacier.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Volsinki
  To many Artazians, Varzen is simply a province of Artazia that is in denial about being its own country. Still, the people here proudly declare independence; even if they depend on Artazia in more ways than one. Similar to Artazia, Varzen is home to large meandering glaciers and rocky mountain expanses. In the center of the country is a massive Stratovolcano that is assumed to be dormant.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Volsinki
  Much of the melt-water from Varzen and Artazia runs directly through Ezwya, where the warm temperatures and high humidity turn the lush evergreen landscape into a veritable rainforest. Bright blue rivers carve their way through this otherwise mountainous landscape, along which many Ezwyan settlements are famously located.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Volsinki
  Brutal eastern winds scour the landscape of Ezlya, picking up sand from the shattered eastern cliffs and carving it through the rest of this island nation, leaving behind countless wind-formation landmarks. The people here live in low-to-the-ground settlements founded within the few valleys that provide respite from the endless wind.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Volsinki
  Sand from Ezlya and silt from Ezwya feed into the rivers that run through the soft ground that makes up the majority of this country. As a result, the rivers are endlessly winding and changing their routes; the biomes of Ezcor follow suit, switching between wet or dry. Above it all floats Qetzel, his harrowing laugh echoing across an ever-changing landscape.   Articles in Ezcor:
Character | Dec 22, 2022

Tattered and torn, this once god of Sight and Mind now floats blindly above the landscape, a mirthless echoing laugh endlessly eminating from within; his cultists loyally following in his wake.

by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Eriall
  Heavily rainforested and always damp, Estana is a small nation known for its rainbow swamps from which massively tall trees sprout endlessly. The country is one of the newest in the world, having only recently declared independence from Falaradun. The people here are hard working, not relying on global trade, but instead sourcing everything they can from within their own borders.
by Stormbril with Midjourney


On Continent: Eriall
  Over 90% of Falaradun is covered in either swamps or marshland. Heavy rainforests line the edges of these wetlands, and in some cases, the two are combined as large tall trees have their root systems flooded. Falaradunians are eager to make a name for themselves within the wider world; be it through development opportunities, trade, or political favor.
Want more? Check out the full map here, complete with many more informative pins!



In the Shadows of Dead Gods

I'm sure you noticed the imagery along the top and bottom edges of the map -- those my friend, are the God-husks. There's thirteen that still roam the planet's surface, with one more, He'an, residing in space as our planet's sole moon.
— Andel Elsegood, Resistance Coordinator
We've had those God-husks around for thousands of years. We as humanity, I mean. History says that their godly civil war, The Seven Day War, happened roughly 3000 years ago. One of the 14 of them killed He'an over some squabble regarding humanity itself, and quickly discovered the husk left behind didn't fully die. So the murderer blasted He'an to space -- that's how we got the moon -- but it was too late. The war had begun, and it didn't end till all of em were husks. We as humans have had to grow and live in their shadows ever since.
— Andel Elsegood, Resistance Coordinator

Then you've got terrifying God-husks like Miyu or Avartarian, each far too dangerous to get near. They're known for periodic rampages, destroying anything nearby. Instead of industry, each country's military draws from the ferocity that their patron God-husks exhibit.
— Andel Elsegood
Most of the God-husks have had countries form around them; built off of the morals the god used to stand for, 'fore it died. Some of em, like the Russinians, even make a living off the God-husk. The wake Sharenskus leaves is rife with fish, which is their country's main export.
— Andel Elsegood



Whispers heard in Dark Places

Things... gods, things are weird these days. More'n more Catalurgists are out and about, and the Ichor trade has nearly doubled. The Legion, on the surface, appears to still be doing their job: protecting humanity by keeping Rendlings at bay, but... there's something off about our so-called protectors.   Rumours of twisted experiments going on behind thrice locked doors. People going missing. Governments making strange decisions that grant this supposedly neutral organization far too much power.   The world is growing, and it's becoming scarier.
— Andel Elsegood, Resistance Coordinator

The Legion, long looked to as a bastion of strength and hope across all of Cathedris, has started to sour in public opinion as of late. Strange stories and mysterious rumours have begun to circulate, with origins for these tales unknown. News reports, often dismissed by the Legion as mere fiction, talk about horrific otherworldly objects being found around the globe, exhibiting terrible powers -- leading many to believe the Legion is collecting them. There's is a growing distrust among the world's populace for the Legion, which isn't helped at all by the incredible tension that grows daily between certain countries.  
The modern world is pushed forward in large part due to three distinct nations, known together as the superpowers of Cathedris. Two countries are known as military superpowers of the world -- Hansun and Artazia. Both have used their might to push borders, and to take control of strategic resources, with Hansun taking over an entire country.   The other superpower of Cathedris is Russin -- one of the wealthiest, and most culturally important nations in the entire world.
The Three Superpowers of Cathedris
Geographic Location | May 9, 2022
One of the newest rumours has caught the attention of the people, and has quickly found a solid place in the minds of those who hear it. Citizens of all countries whisper that somewhere, in some secret laboratory, with some mysterious new tech, the Legion are sponsoring blasphemous experiments on unprecedented levels. Some have even began to profess that there's a 15th god -- or, that the Legion might be trying to make a 15th god all on their own.

Now, lets get you settled in your new room. Our top doctors say your memory should recover over a few days -- and that the more you interact with history and news, the faster things will come back. To that end, we've contacted Ash Barklow -- the best there is in information gathering. We work with them often, and they'll be able to get you info on anything and everything. The sooner we get your memory back, the sooner we learn what the Legion was up to in that facility.   In the mean time, why don't you take a look at one of these two articles?
here for bonus info

Ash Barklow

Procurement Officer of Barklow's Books
Now where in the name of He'an did I... For the love of, I swear I just had a full box of articles RIGHT. HERE.   Sorry, I need to keep searching around for them first here. Andel's suggestion is a good one, please take a look at the two they had on hand -- one of them is an investigative dive into the secret organization pulling the Legion's strings from the inside. It's a good one -- and it makes sense he'd recommend it, what with this being a resistance against the Legion.   The other is a favourite of mine. The Comprilith... well, it's best if you experience that one all on your own. I won't spoil anything.   And hey, an idea just came to mind -- if you like chatting with me, why don't you check out my character article? Just tap on my name to go to it, and witness me ramble about all sorts of things.
— Andel Elsegood, Resistance Coordinator


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1 Jul, 2020 03:24

HAHAHAHA---this is freakin COOL!!   What a concept. I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to live in the shadow of the Gods.   ...or to come face-to-face with a Rendling.   Oh crap.

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
1 Jul, 2020 07:02

Hey Jaime! So glad you liked it, thanks for leaving a comment that made my day :D   Coming face to face with a Rendling would be a very, very bad time >:D

1 Jul, 2020 10:28

I love the art for those. Especially the hand.   Funny how we have something specific in our minds as readers, then you see the literal creation and think...."Oh crap--that's SCARIER!!" LOL

Your New Author Friend =)
Let's Talk Fiction!
Spectral 42
16 Jun, 2021 00:49

This is so cool. Thank you for sharing!

16 Jun, 2021 16:18

Thank you! And thanks for taking a look! :D

3 Aug, 2021 23:42

These quotes are great - especially the opener!   I don't trust the Legion either. They're up to something.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
5 Aug, 2021 16:29

Thank you! :D   *That sneaky Legion, doing SOMETHING*   I'm love writing about the evil and secretive things they get up to :)

5 Aug, 2021 18:03

Someday the world will find out what that is, and I don't think they will be happy.   I wonder if any of the Legion will be surprised by the discovery.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
8 Aug, 2021 02:32

That is a *great* question!   I think if I ever try doing short stories, one from the perspective of someone in the Legion unaware of what the organization actually gets up to might be an interesting view point to tell a story from

15 Jan, 2023 02:30

I love how you used this to bring everything into focus so that we could understand the goals of the world and what we are seeing in a world that is very different than many others.

Deleyna - Follow along in my Summer Camp 2023 Journey as I try to remain chill, achieve Diamond, and complete my Dimi Mission! Summer Camp 2023 - The Two-fold Adventure
15 Jan, 2023 17:29

Thank you so much Deleyna!   While there's a lot of polishing I'd like to do to this article , I'm glad that the stuff I have here currently is working :D

Master PrincessESH
Aster Blackwell
21 Jan, 2023 13:34

That map is INSANE! I'm so in love with your world and how beautifully you present it!

21 Jan, 2023 19:12

Thank you so much Aster! I love these kinds of interactive things, they're so fun to make and add :D

21 Jan, 2023 16:09

The map is an amazing bit of CSS engineering but it feels laggy on my gaming computer. Love the concept!

Summer Camp is here and I'm so excited! It's my favorite World Anvil event of the year! Keep up to date with my progress on my personal Summer Camp page!

21 Jan, 2023 19:13

Thank you Chris! :D I blame the background images I have here totaling up to like, 15mb worth of images (including a 7mb gif!) -- I've finally gone and optimized those, so hopefully it's better now <3

23 Jan, 2023 03:35

Okay I was wrong before, *now* it should be fixed xD

22 Jan, 2023 02:20

I love the rewrite. Those quotes really make this article pop - great work!   NEVER TRUST THE LEGION.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
22 Jan, 2023 08:02

Thank you Solar! It feels so much more cohesive and like a jumping off point for a story now, and I'm happy with the updates :D   And I'm happy to spread more distrust in the Legion :D

22 Mar, 2023 11:21

My god, this is amazing ! The concept of the world is so promising, it's easy to see epic stories play out. Well done, really !

22 Mar, 2023 16:19

Aw, thank you so much! Makes my day to receive comments like these :)

Sage Timepool
Garrett Grace Lewis
20 Jun, 2023 04:45

How do I like an update? The refresh on this is real nice!

20 Jun, 2023 16:56

Thanks Time! I'm really happy with this primer now :)

28 Jun, 2023 22:01

WHOA. This primer to the world is a fantastic combination of writing, lore, and art. It makes you wanna stay even if it's fairly dangerous!

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